Who is ActionCOACH?
ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching firm, designed to give you both short-term assistance and long-term training through its affordable and effective mentoring approach.
Based on sales, marketing, financial and business management systems, ActionCOACH not only shows you how to increase your business revenues and profits, often quite dramatically, but also how to develop your business so that you, as the owner, can work less, relax more and enjoy business ownership
Why do I need a Business Coach?
Every great performer, whether it is an elite athlete, business legend or performing superstar, is surrounded by coaches and advisers. As the world of business moves faster and gets more competitive, it’s difficult to keep up with all the changes in your industry – in addition to running your business every day.
A Business Coach will make you focus on your business and hold you accountable to the things you should do and to where you want your business to be.
How can you be sure this will work in my industry and in my business?
We are experts in the areas of sales, marketing, business development, business management, and team building and, with literally hundreds of different profit-building strategies, you’ll soon see how truly powerful our systemised approaches are. Because you are the expert in your business and industry, together we can apply our systems to make your business more effective.
How does it work?
We will have an initial chat to identify the key areas you would like to focus on in your Business and I will share some of the strategies we can work on with coaching. Coaching is a personal decision and it is important that you feel it is right for you, so during this initial conversation we can explore this.
How will I find the time?
The first few months will be the toughest, not because of an extra amount of work, but because of how differently you’ll work. In fact, your ActionCOACH will show you how, on a day-to-day basis, to get more work done with much less effort. After the first few months you’ll find that you’re not working more, just working differently. Then, depending on your goals, from about month six onwards, you’ll start to see the results of all your work; and if you choose, you can start working less than ever before. Just remember, it’s about changing what you do with your time... NOT putting in more time ..