Increase your sales with the RIGHT marketing strategy…

Have you tried numerous marketing methods, only to gain the same results, with no more customers and wasted time and money spent?


You’re not alone, many Business owners don’t have a clear marketing or sales strategy and instead focus on what they are good at, or what they enjoy doing – but do these methods actually attract your customers? Here’s how you can increase your sales by getting the right marketing strategy…

You may have tried some of the following:

  • Magazine / Paper advertising
  • Paid searches on Google
  • Social Media posts
  • Joined a Networking Group
  • Direct Mail
  • Cold calling

How did you choose which marketing method to use? You might not be competent on social media, but if your audience reads more online than in the paper, you’re wasting your time on paper advertising and need to invest in digital marketing – whether that is up-skilling yourself or hiring someone else.

You need to focus on creating a marketing strategy (or marketing plan) which is tailored to your customers and their needs, not based on your preferences or skills. Getting the marketing strategy right will lead to increased sales, so it’s important to take the time to do it right.


Creating an advert, a social media post or cold calling is simply a ‘vehicle’ or ‘platform’ you will need to use to get your message across. So, doing this alone will not get you the results you want. Simply placing a Google ad is not enough, however, with the right strategy in place, the above ‘platforms’ could be great. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What will your ad / phone call / post say?
  • Who do you want to attract with it?
  • Are you promoting a specific service or your whole business?
  • What other touchpoints have you got in place?
  • Have you got tried-and-tested scripts or templates for follow-up calls /letters / emails to keep your customers and leads engaged?
  • What is the call to action?

What do you ultimately want your audience to do when they see your ad/post or receive your call? – Do you want them to make a purchase, sign up for an event or newsletter or simply request a quote? You need to be clear on what you are asking your customers to do.


If the message of your Marketing strategy is weak, then you need to re-assess if it is the right fit for your audience.


And remember, your marketing plan doesn’t end when you’ve got a customer through the door – you need to keep them engaged. Make sure you follow-up with appropriate touchpoints even AFTER the sale… do you have a great new product you think they might like to know about? Or add them to your monthly newsletter list. A quick phone call to check if they need anything else? Constant communication will lead to increased sales as they will remember you in the future, either for themselves or refer you to someone they know.

You will need to spend time testing and measuring – record the success rate of each strategy and adjust constantly to ensure that it’s still effective.

So, if you want to start seeing results and increased sales from your marketing, it’s time to focus on developing a new marketing strategy.


Not sure where to start? Get in touch!


Why not test the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy here